Have you been assigned a cord replacement project? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Cord Master Engineering can build your replacement cords on time and on budget.
Cord Master Engineering manufactures replacement power cords. Our power cords will meet your custom specifications. Legacy systems require power cord replacements. Cord Master can help. Our cords are manufactured in Cord Master Engineering’s AS9100 certified facility in North Adams, MA USA.
If your replacement power cord requirements include Low Smoke Zero Halogen, Cord Master Engineering has deep expertise working in that area of specialty. We have the experience, the materials and the tooling to meet your needs. Even if your project is only a single power cord, give Cord Master Engineering a call today. No project too small.
AS9100 Certified Replacement Power Cords
AS9100 is a widely adopted and standardized quality management system for the aerospace industry. Major aerospace manufacturers and suppliers worldwide require compliance and/or registration to AS9100 as a condition of doing business with them.
Call Missy Crews at 413-664-9371 today for a quote today!